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CloudOps Orchestration Service:Benefits

Last Updated:May 10, 2024

CloudOps Orchestration Service (OOS) helps you better standardize, manage, and execute automated O&M operations. You can use templates to define the O&M operations that you want to perform, and then perform the operations in your system. This improves the overall O&M efficiency, enhances the security of O&M operations, and prevents errors in manual O&M. This topic describes the benefits of OOS.

Visualized execution process and results

OOS allows you to monitor the complete execution process and the execution result in a visualized manner.

  • You can view the execution details, parameters, and output of each task.

  • You can view the execution process, the order in which tasks are executed, and redirect errors.

Free and fully managed service

OOS provides a fully managed and serverless O&M service that enables the automatic execution of O&M tasks. The execution process can meet the automated O&M requirements of startups, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and large-sized enterprises without consuming or using their computing resources such as Elastic Compute Service (ECS) instances. The automated execution mode does not require manual interventions. This allows you to focus more on business growth.

Efficient batch management

Executing multiple tasks in batches by using traditional O&M methods is more complex than executing a single task. To improve the overall O&M efficiency, OOS allows you to manage the execution progress in real time, collect statistics on the status of tasks, and locate errors with high efficiency.

Superior authentication and audit systems

You can use Resource Access Management (RAM) that you are familiar with to manage OSS. You can configure access permissions for specific CloudOps Orchestration Service (OOS) operations and CloudOps Orchestration Service (OOS)-based operations on other Alibaba Cloud services. All permissions support authentication and audit. You do not need to worry about the operation security.

Easy-to-use templates

OOS provides the capability for you to easily create templates. You do not need to create templates from scratch. OOS is integrated with popular Alibaba Cloud services to perform actions on the services. This helps you easily create templates and improves the overall O&M efficiency. In addition, OOS provides public templates for common O&M scenarios. You can copy and modify a public template based on your O&M requirements.

Cross-region O&M

An Alibaba Cloud service may be deployed in multiple regions. However, O&M is typically restricted within one region. To resolve this issue, you can use OOS to execute cross-region O&M tasks. You can define a loop task in an OOS template to execute O&M tasks in multiple regions. In the template, you must specify the IDs of the regions in which you want to perform O&M tasks.

Operations as code

OOS provides templates that are used to standardize daily O&M tasks. In OOS, you can manage the templates in the same way as code. After you create, verify, and publish a template to complete the specified O&M tasks, you can only select the template to complete the same tasks. OOS ensures the security and unification of O&M tasks, and provides best practices of operations as code.

Delegated authorization

Authorization must be properly delegated to O&M engineers. O&M engineers must be granted only permissions required to complete the corresponding O&M tasks. They cannot be granted higher permissions than required to execute unexpected O&M tasks. This prevents unnecessary risks. OOS provides a delegated authorization solution to meet the preceding O&M requirements. When a high-level O&M engineer creates a template, a RAM role can be specified and granted the corresponding permissions to execute the template. High-level O&M engineers can also grant the permissions to execute the template to lower-level O&M engineers. This way, O&M task can be performed with low risks.